Medicare and Clinical Research Studies
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There are times when people need specific types of medical procedures and the costs are simply too much to absorb. What can help in times like these is when a local research facility or educational institution offers a research study to treat the condition. Medicare will sometimes offer these programs and it makes it possible for you to get the treatment you need for little or no cost.
Clinical research studies test different types of medical care, like how well a cancer drug works. These studies help doctors and researchers see if new a treatment works and if it’s safe. Medicare Part A and/or Part B covers some costs, like doctor visits and tests, in a qualifying clinical research study.
In 2011, You pay the part of the payment that you would normally pay for covered services. This makes your recovery and treatment possible when it otherwise may not have been. In order for you to get relief when you need it this can be a godsend for your life and the future of your healthy recovery.
Entry Filed under: Enrollment Questions
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