Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs Also Covered by Medicare
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In a continuing effort to help to offset the effects of cardiac diseases and conditions Medicare approves some intensive cardiac rehabilitation programs, in addition to the regular programs. Medicare Part B covers intensive cardiac rehabilitation (ICR) programs that, like cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs, include exercise, education, and counseling for patients whose doctor referred them and who had any of the conditions required by Medicare.
ICR programs are typically more rigorous or more intense than CR programs. This is not to make the patients suffer, but instead to give the type of therapy needed to overcome the conditions. These programs may be provided in a hospital outpatient setting (including a critical access hospital) or in a doctor’s office.
In 2011, You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the doctor’s services. In a hospital outpatient setting, you pay a copayment. In either scenario you are given the opportunity to offset the effects of your cardiac issues and return to the life that you had come to know and love. This does not mean that you will never suffer from those effects again, but that you can overcome some of what ails you.
Entry Filed under: Enrollment Questions
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