Important New Benefits to Help you Stay Healthy with Medicare Becoming Available
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With health insurance of all kinds there is the initiative to help the customer more and promote healthier approaches to life as a whole. When these initiatives start there are always things that you should be aware of and take advantage of in order to get your health together. Here is a look at some of the great changes to Medicare that will help you be healthier and happier in the years to come.
• Next year you can get free preventive care services like colorectal cancer screening and mammograms with no charge from your services. Preventive care is an initiative all over the health insurance world, not just with Medicare and it is wonderful that so much will be covered. If you are unsure of what else is covered you should consult your enrollment guide for Medicare for the next year.
• You can also get a free annual physical to develop and update your personal prevention plan based on current health needs. This is a great tool that could really help some people overcome certain health concerns that they may have. If you don’t take advantage of this new option you are basically throwing away your money that could help your health improve.
Entry Filed under: Updates
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