How to Stop Supplier Fraud on Medicare: Contact Your Health Insurance Provider

Contacting your health insurance provider should be the first thing you do in any of the instances where you believe Medicare fraud is present. Not contacting your insurance company will delay the recovery and identification processes that could affect everyone so deeply. So whenever you receive notice of suspicious activity on your Medicare account you should report it immediately.

Your health insurance provider may already be aware of the issue in your area or you might actually spark an investigation into how certain terms of service were being denied. Regardless of how things turn out you should be communicating strange happenings with your insurance company so they can properly warn other parties that may end up involved. Make sure that you don’t accuse anyone wrongfully, but just point out strange occurrences.

When it comes down to it you are the eyes and ears on the street for the health insurance provider because fraudsters won’t challenge them. They will challenge you as you are seen as a newcomer and just can’t let that get you down. Making sure that your insurance provider is aware of this activity will help them to warn others, including law enforcement personnel.?

Entry Filed under: Fraud and Abuse

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