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Explanation of Medicare Benefits: A Brief Look at Parts A and B | Medicare Benefits, Policy and Eligibility Guide
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Explanation of Medicare Benefits: A Brief Look at Parts A and B

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Medicare is not unlike any other government agency in that it is both meant to be helpful and for the greater good, yet is highly confusing in a way that makes you think it is not meant for anybody at all.  To get a true explanation of Medicare benefits you must understand that Medicare benefits are meant for a select section of the general population.

Only those that are over 65, under age 65 with certain disabilities and any age with End-Stage Renal Disease are eligible to receive Medicare benefits.  However, these folks aren’t always given a great explanation of Medicare benefits, most importantly, the differences between Part A of Medicare and Part B.

Brief Explanation of Medicare Benefits Part A:  Part A is to cover the patient (you or your loved one) specifically while in inpatient care in a hospital.  This could also be used to help pay for hospice and some other home health care services.  The cost could be nothing to you if you or your spouse paid Medicare taxes while working or you could have to pay a monthly premium.

Brief Explanation of Medicare Benefits Part B: Part B is to cover the patient (you or your loved one) if you have doctors’ services, outpatient care or other medical services not covered by Part A.  You will have to pay a monthly premium if you require Part B services, but in most cases this is less than $100 per month.

Entry Filed under: Benefits Explained

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