Early Retirees Receive More Help Through Medicare
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It can be scary to retire when you think of your financial situation and the situation regarding your health insurance coverage. What is good about retiring in the modern world is that more insurance companies and government entities are fighting to protect you. Medicare is actually making more rules and programs available to those retired customers that will make the transition to retirement easier to deal with. If you had been on an employer-based health insurance policy before retiring this new law will make it easier to keep that plan to help those that retire before 65. This was created to reward people that had worked hard for a long time and should be taken care of for it. Medicare decided these people were not treated right and decided to do something about it.
Contact your Social Security officer or Medicare provider when you retire before 65 and need help with your insurance coverage. Your failure to follow up means it is your fault that you don’t receive the coverage, don’t let that happen. Look around to see if you can get this coverage and ask people to see what can be done for you.
Entry Filed under: How to Guides
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