Chemotherapy Can be Covered by Medicare
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Cancer continues to be a beast that we struggle to overcome, though insurance policies like Medicare will help to offset the costs of treatment. Chemotherapy is a necessary part of most cancer treatments and the treatments can be very expensive if you don’t have health insurance. Medicare will offset some of these costs and the ways to do this are outlined below.
Medicare Part A covers chemotherapy for cancer patients who are hospital inpatients. So if your treatment happens while you are in the hospital you will be covered through your Medicare Part A coverage. Medicare Part B covers chemotherapy for hospital outpatients or patients in a doctor’s office or freestanding clinic. So if you happen to go to your doctor’s office or another clinic for treatment that will be covered through your Part B Medicare coverage.
In 2011, You pay a copayment for chemotherapy covered under Part B in a hospital outpatient setting. You should consult your Medicare policy to find out what this copayment will be. For chemotherapy given in a doctor’s office or freestanding clinic, you pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount. This amount should be known by the provider of the treatment.
Entry Filed under: How to Guides
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