Cardiovascular Screenings and Medicare
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Heart attacks and strokes are two of the leading causes of death for adults in our country and many times they happen because the proper screening is not done. By having consultations with your physician about family history and other key statistics you can detect the possibility of these things before they happen. For this reason Medicare will pay for cardiovascular screenings to help detect these complications before they happen.
The testing of your cholesterol, lipid and triglyceride levels will happen every five years if you want it to be covered. These test results will be compared to other people who have been in similar situations to determine your potential risk. There is obviously no way to predict if a heart attack or stroke will occur, but prevention with healthy lifestyle changes could help.
When you go to have the test you will generally not have to pay for the cost of the test itself that you need. You will, however, be expected to pay for 20% of the Medicare approved amount for the doctor’s visit wherein you have the test. This is a small price to pay to attempt to avoid a catastrophic event in your life from ever happening.
Entry Filed under: How to Guides
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