Can You Get Medicare Hearing Aid Benefits?

Although Medicare is a government run entity and the general goal of government is to help its people, Medicare is still generally run like a business.  Because of this fact the sad truth is that not all conditions are covered by Medicare, one of these conditions being any that require you to wear hearing aids.  Unfortunately, there are currently no Medicare hearing aid benefits available to those who use hearing aids and have Medicare coverage.

When alluding to the absence of Medicare hearing aid benefits most experts will tell you that this is a condition that affects too many qualified participants on scale.  This is contrary to the way insurance works and the ability for insurance to be profitable for the business, or just not lose money for the business.  Medicare hearing aid benefits, to put it quite simply, may be enough to bankrupt Medicare all by itself.

Those who need Medicare hearing aid benefits may be angered or confused by this fact but the general idea is not one that is new or even unfair.  Insurance is not something that was created to stop the basic wear and tear that happens to cars, homes or even people.  Hearing is not something that afflicts all young people, but you’d be hard pressed to find a senior citizen who doesn’t struggle with it.

If Medicare hearing aid benefits were offered it is likely that everyone who enrolled in Medicare would use it right away.  This would cost Medicare millions upon billions of dollars and in the end may bankrupt the entire enterprise.  To put it simply, Medicare hearing aid benefits are not financially feasible.

Entry Filed under: Benefits Explained

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