Breast Prostheses Can be Covered by Medicare
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When it comes to some necessary medical procedures there is the possibility that a solution to a medical issue will cause a new personal issue. This could be the case with a necessary mastectomy that helped to cover up or eradicate a possible medical issue. Medicare can help after a mastectomy by doing the following few things to help:
Medicare Part B covers external breast prostheses (including a post-surgical bra) after a mastectomy. Medicare Part A covers surgically implanted breast prostheses after a mastectomy if the surgery takes place in an inpatient setting, and Medicare Part B covers the surgery if it takes place in an outpatient setting.
In 2011, You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the doctor’s services and the external breast prostheses. With this coverage you can be assured that your life can return to normal after the necessary medical procedure to remove your breasts. This can give you back the feeling of life as normal so that you don’t have to feel strange about walking around in public differently than you ever did before.
Entry Filed under: Benefits Explained
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