2012 Medicare Changes: 5-Star Special Enrollment Period for Medicare Advantage Plans
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Generally with Medicare, like any other insurance entity, there are only certain times of the year that you are allowed to enroll in a new insurance plan. In order to make better plans available to subscribers year-round Medicare has instituted the 5-star Special Enrollment Period for Medicare Advantage Plans to allow people access to the best plans all year.
Medicare uses information from member satisfaction surveys, plans, and health care providers to give overall performance star ratings to plans. A plan can get a rating between one to five stars. A 5 star rating is considered excellent. These ratings help you compare plans based on quality and performance.
Starting December 8, 2011, you can switch to a 5-star Medicare Advantage Plan at any time during the year.
• The overall plan star ratings are available at www.medicare.gov/find-a-plan.
• You can only join a 5-star Medicare Advantage Plan if one is available in your area.
• You can only use this special enrollment period to switch to a 5-star plan one time each year.
• You canft use this period to join a Medicare Cost Plan.
Entry Filed under: Enrollment Questions
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