2011 Brings More Access to Coverage with Medicare
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Some of the changes to the health care industry are good regardless of what side of the political argument that you happen to fall on. Medicare and other insurance companies are offering great changes to their plans to make more coverage available for better rates. What is listed below is a few ways that Medicare is improving the care offered to you in 2011.
• You will keep the option of choosing your doctor as you have been able to do the entire time that you have had Medicare. In order to provide the best care to you it is imperative that you have consistent medical advise and keeping your doctor is a big part of this.
• When the government encourages the option for the health care community to provide more coverage it is always a great sign. With new laws encouraging more nurses, physicians assistants, primary care doctors and the like by giving bonuses and forgiving debt you stand to benefit.
• You can’t be hurt by more access becoming available to medical professionals and that is just what happened with community health centers. The government is supporting these communities more and more which means about 20 million people will be able to be seen.
Entry Filed under: Enrollment Questions
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